Package 1
I am a Clever Writer Documents
(Years 1 – 6)
Progression of Skills.
Progression of Genre.
Package 2
Incudes: Package 1
Best Practice Document (SLT CPD)
Ensuring a consistent, streamlined
approach to writing.
(1.5 hours)
Package 3
Incudes Package 1,2
Plus 5 hours whole school CPD
Package 4
Incudes Package 1,2+3
Whole school CPD
Two days in School to develop a bespoke Writing Spine.
‘I am a Clever Writer’ also offers bespoke support that is tailored to the unique needs of the school. Reduced prices for documents are available for schools smaller than one-form entry.
VAT will be in addition to all pricing shown above.
Many schools have weekly CPD support to guide teachers with their planning.
Usually, this continues for two terms. Support can be booked in blocks of 12 hours.
Alternatively, there may be capacity for individual sessions to be booked. This costs £60 / hour for virtual support.
Weekly Support 1
12 x 1 hour of weekly support
to produce writing planning.
(12 hours)
Weekly Support 2
12 x 2 hours of weekly support
to produce writing planning.
(24 hours)
Weekly Support 3
12 x 3 hour of weekly support
to produce writing planning.
(36 hours)
“Teachers’ professional learning is most effective when the content and the activities are directed towards the needs and existing capabilities of teachers.
There is some evidence that a fortnightly to monthly rhythm of CPD sessions and/or support may be most effective in improving teachers’ knowledge.”